Palmetto Honey-12 oz.
Honeybees make Saw Palmetto Honey from a short palm tree topped by an enormous crown of fan-shaped leaves. If you've been anywhere in Florida or along the coast of Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia or southern South Carolina, you've probably seen it.
Lavender Honey -12 oz.
Lavender honey is a sought after varietal popular around the world. Most companies sell a French varietal of lavender honey, while others only sell lavender-infused honey. Ours is neither. And that is what makes ours an incredible find.
Honey Pump-12oz
Our Honey Pump is the perfect partner for our 12oz honey jars. No more sticky spills! No more overflowing spoons! No more wiping drippy jars! Our pump releases just the right amount every time -- and in the right place. That's clean and convenient.
Pretzels- Dark Chocolate Covered 0725
Chocolate Pretzels are a classic candy that many people love. But you’ve never had them paired with our world famous, gourmet dark chocolate.
SINGLE-Milk Chocolate English Toffee 0950
Love buttercrunch toffee? English toffee singles by Abdallah Candies mixes tender buttercrunch toffee center with gourmet milk chocolate in conveniently wrapped packaging. Perfect for any occasion, including taking on the go or sharing with others.
SINGLE--Dark Chocolate Coconut Delight 0956
Coconut delights are a chocolate delight featuring the finest dark chocolate and coconut interior. The sweet treat is perfect for coconut lovers and dark chocolate lovers alike.
SINGLE- Chocolate Covered Carmel 0955
These chocolate covered caramels are a classic candy that everyone will love. If you have a special occasion coming up that calls for getting a gift or leaving candy out for some guests, our chocolate caramels are perfect.